I am an assistant professor at Sciences Po and an associated member of IZA. Before joining Sciences Po, I received a PhD at Princeton University and spent two years as a postdoc in Bonn.
My research interests are in microeconomic theory and behavioral economics.
We study a dynamic principal-agent setting in which both sides learn about the importance of effort. The quality of the agent’s output is not observed directly. Instead, the principal jointly designs an evaluation technology and a wage schedule. More precise performance evaluation reduces current agency costs but promotes learning, which can increase future agency costs. As a result, the optimal evaluation technology is noisy. Performance information that solely pertains to effort is revealed, while the principal optimally conceals information about the agent’s ability. The optimal evaluation features a censorship pattern with a base wage and tailored bonuses/penalties when the threshold is exceeded. With binary output, it is both imprecise and tough if effort and ability are strong complements: a bad performance is always sanctioned, but a good one is not always recognized.
Adapting cursed equilibrium to a beauty contest game, we study the impact
of information policies in settings where agents underinfer from equilibrium
statistics. To discipline information acquisition with mislearning, we propose a
subjective envelope condition which allows for a tractable analysis while maintaining
behaviorally plausible assumptions: agents correctly anticipate their actions but
incorrectly deem them optimal. We show that this condition characterizes the rest
points of a simple learning process.
Cursed agents use and acquire more private information, creating a positive externality. Welfare increases for low degrees of cursedness, as these gains exceed the losses from incorrect use. Transparency crowds out private information but always increases welfare. Policies targeting fundamental information may backfire as they distract cursed agents from a source of information they already underuse. Finally, we investigate the behavior and welfare of an atomistic rational agent in a cursed economy.
We study a decision-framing design problem: a principal faces an agent with frame-dependent preferences
and designs an extensive form with a frame at each stage.
This allows the principal to circumvent incentive compatibility constraints by inducing dynamically
inconsistent choices of the sophisticated agent.
We show that a vector of contracts can be implemented if and only if it can be implemented using a
canonical extensive form, which has a simple high-low-high structure using only three stages and the two
highest frames, and employs unchosen decoy contracts to deter deviations.
We then turn to the study of optimal contracts in the context of the classic monopolistic screening
problem and establish the existence of a canonical optimal mechanism, even though our implementability
result does not directly apply.
In the presence of naive types, the principal can perfectly screen by cognitive type and extract full
surplus from naifs.
We propose a tractable framework to introduce externalities in a screening model. Agents differ in both
payoff-type and influence (how strongly their actions affect others). Applications range from pricing
network goods to regulating industries that create externalities. Inefficiencies arise only if the
payoff-type is unobservable. When both dimensions are unobserved, the optimal allocation satisfies
lexicographic monotonicity: increasing along the payoff-type to satisfy incentive compatibility,
but tilted towards influential agents to produce the externality. In particular, the allocation depends
on a private characteristic that is payoff-irrelevant for the agent. We characterize the solution
through a two-step ironing procedure that addresses the nonmonotonicity in virtual values arising from
the countervailing impact of payoff-types and influence. If observable, influence is used as a signal of
the payoff-type. We provide sufficient conditions for rents from influence to emerge even in a setting
featuring atomistic agents.